Welcome to our log book, it is more than a simple sailing blog, it is our diary, our collections of experiences and tips about our life on a boat.
We were born here and that’s why we see the Sea as a friend. The boat for us represents a way of facing life, a real lifestyle, because we simply can’t live far from the sea. Every day we look at it, with its immensity and we catch something new. It’s all about learn the ability to roll with changes. Once you get the friendship of the sea, you’re truly free.
Here we collect some stories, experiences and advice for those who have never sailed in these pristine waters, it’s something like a small and very comfortable lounge aboard a private yacht, taking you by the hand you between the waves and the foam, to discover caves, delightful bays, unbelievable sights, traditional foods and legends.
Enjoy our life on a boat and have a good trip!